Five Heroes - Story and Dialogue

Episode 1 - Firestone Kingdom

About Five Heroes

Five Heroes is a story-driven turn-based RPG. As a warlord, you recruit heroes, complete quests, progress through the storyline, defeat various enemies and bosses and upgrade your heroes.

My Involvement
I wrote the story, planned the campaign, developed characters, designed quests and levels, and wrote the dialogue. During the process, I collaborated with artists, programmers, and economy designers to bring our vision to life. Once done with the planning, I implemented everything in the Unity engine, using custom editor tools developed by the programmers.
Five Heroes: The King's War - Trailer

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Quest 1 - Home in Peril

Quest 2 - The King's War

Quest 3 - Gundar

Quest 4 - Kira

Quest 5 - A Valuable Prisoner

Quest 6 - A Missing Brother

Quest 7 - Blacksmith's Anvil

Quest 8 - Lost Sister

Quest 9 - Faustus

Quest 10 - Woodshire Mausoleum

Quest 11 - Donkey's Favor

Quest 12 - Royal Cemetery

Quest 13 - A Mysterious Summoner

Quest 14 - Land of the Dead

Quest 15 - Citadel of the Dead

Quest 16 - The Journey Onward

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